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With gratitude to AFEEL


AFEEL is the Academy For English Education in Lubumbashi. It is an international, English language school for children from preschool to university entrance. Many of the children that attend AFEEL now are from the English-speaking expat community that has grown in Lubumbashi in conjunction with the mining sector. At one point, AFEEL was the only school in Lubumbashi offering the British education system. Kimbilio is blessed to have them as community partners. Once again for the holidays, the students, parents and staff of AFEEL have donated nice clothes, toys and food to the children of Kimbilio as well as children of Bakanja Ville, another program for street children. The boys and girls from Kimbilio's two transit houses went to AFEEL to receive these gifts. We are thankful to AFEEL for the magic of Christmas that they made happen for Kimbilio's and Bakanja's children.

Kimbilio has a long, lovely history with AFEEL. Kimbilio founder Ian Harvey worked part-time as an English teacher at AFEEL back in the days when Kimbilio was barely getting started. This was the start of the relationship. The D'Souza family, which had founded and managed AFEEL, used to organise weekly football matches on Saturday afternoon between the Kimbilio children and AFEEL students. The late Janet Bokwa came to Kimbilio as a counselor from AFEEL -- Kimbilio's long-term girls home is now named after her. And Ian Harvey first met Carine Bahati Nono, Kimbilio's Director, through AFEEL. Since the launch of the Kimbilio Mapendo School over 3 years ago, AFEEL has supported Kimbilio by donating student tables and chairs as well as blackboards and by hosting games and football competitions with the children.

So many thanks to you, AFEEL!

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