Two new cohorts of women are embarking on their studies at Kimbilio's sewing schools.
A key focus area for Kimbilio is supporting learning and education, not just for the children that it supports, but also for the parents of former street children. Many families in Lubumbashi live in poverty with insufficient income to meet even the most basic of needs such as regular food and school fees. Kimbilio have seen firsthand how supporting mothers to gain qualifications and earn an income can help stop children fleeing to the streets in the false hope of a better life. Kimbilio supports a small number of adult learning qualifications in sewing and hair and beauty.
Critically, these courses are not just focused on the technical skills learning of the subjects themselves. The courses also have a business module that ensures that trainees have the knowledge that they need to go on to run successful small enterprises.
Students learn the basics of profit and loss, capital expenditure and managing cash flow to support a business to grow. On graduation, students are given all the basics they need to get their businesses up and running, including a manual sewing machine and starter supplies. Kimbilio staff are then able to check in on graduates over the long term, to provide advice and support as they get their business up and running. It also provides Kimbilio the opportunity to measure the impact the training is having on graduates' lives.
In the photos here you can see Kimbilio’s Sewing teacher Mireille, showing off a new sewing box of supplies delivered recently to Lubumbashi to support the students. Particularly prized are the strong sewing machine needles which can be very difficult to get hold of in the DRC. Also in the photos you can see Kimbilio Director Carine talking us through some of the business discussion areas students ask to understand.
Kimbilio has ambitious plans to expand its adult learning programme in the future, please do get in touch if you would like to know more about how you can support us.
#DRCongo #Lubumbashi #HautKatanga #Katanga #streetchildren #womenrising #vocationaltraining #socialimpact #sewing