Kimbilio's school, opened in 2021, now serves more than 300 children. Its students include children residing at Kimbilio's homes as well as local children from our impoverished Luwowoshi community who would not be able to attend school otherwise. The school is very successful, providing a high standard of education and with children achieving the test goals established by the DR Congo government.
Safety has become a pressing concern at the school. There have been recent thefts from homes in the local area as well as rebel militia activity in the past. The children are particularly vulnerable when using the school toilets behind the school. Hardware assets in the school are at risk of theft.
We are tremendously grateful to a generous, anonymous donor who has fully funded the building of a wall with an attached guard house around the perimeter of the school's one-half hectare property. The wall will not only improve school security dramatically, but will enclose a secure playground area for the children. Construction has begun!
Led by Papa David, Kimbilio's construction team just concluded laying the foundation of the wall. In this photo gallery, you can see their work in action. The first photo is of our accomplished team, consisting of Papa David (back center) and 5 out of 6 of Kimbilio's masons. The next photos are of key supplies for the work: large stones to fill the trench surrounding the property, and then a mixture of cement, sand and water -- pictured with a shovel in vertical position in it -- to create the foundation. In the second row of photos, you see a set of photos of filling the 50 cm (20 inches) deep trench the team dug with stones. In the third row you see photos of the foundation being set, and there's a peek at the finished foundation in the final photo.
Next up: the brick wall itself. Building has begun, and we'll share more once the wall is completed. The brick-making process is one of sustainability and resourcefulness. If you missed our blog post on this topic, you can read it here.
And one last treat to watch...